catch you up!
ok, so Columbia has something like 14 graduation ceremonies, and tomorrow is the
biggun'. Virginia is supposedly in town to see brother graduate, but I haven't heard from her yet.
This picture shows not even Columbia
phds are too cool to ride the subway

this is the landscape in which they graduate. pretty stunning. for today's graduation proceedings though, it was crazy
rainstormy. and yes, they did it outside.
sipa, the society for international and public affairs, celebrate their graduates and impede my way home.

these are the grads lining up at 8:45.

i made crazy good chili.
i'm still eating it

this is to commemorate my 4 hour trip to trader
joes. the store? fine. the line? heinous. the wait for the N train to come back on a
sunday? 65 minutes. could have been worse, a woman could have been in labor next to me.

this is my favorite shot of the day.

another shot of a side street in
astoria. someday, this will have some real substance.
got word today
emma's giving (
begrudgingly) her right ovary to the university of
michigan. so, i'm flying home next wednesday for a few days and coach her through it. it'll be nice to be back in easy living for a few days, even if it is under less than great circumstances.
also, nina b-mq added me as a friend on facebook. we're going to be grand friends, you'll see. and, i'm still deskless at work.
oh, and my bike estimate? came in at $550. sweet. jimmy came through for me, it only took him.... 3 1/2 weeks.