i've survived days 1 and 2. Not impressive yet.
I wanted to create this so i can communicate with myself and others in an organized way. i'll probably post pictures and lists and ramblings that are really for me, but i'll let you read them. i'd love emails instead of leaving comments, because i want to hear from you.
dear lars-
i didn't want to be late today, so i got up 15 minutes earlier than yesterday. I put pasta on to boil, and G's stove took forever to light, and when it did, it didn't put out enough heat to really boil. So my rotini was al dente dente. At least I scraped together my own lunch.
Took a different route than yesterday, mostly inspired by me getting on the G in the wrong direction. Instead of going into times square and riding north, i went west, transferred once, and rode all the way up to 116th, where i actually found my building quickly. i had to walk through morningside park on the way in, and it was a really cool retaining wall with a nice lookout. i was super sweaty when i showed up at work.
james was wearing jeans again, and i was super relieved. I really like his coat-it's a yellow herringbone like emma's dan-o case and it's got cool sleeve styling with a buckle mandarin collar. but the best part was andrew, my boss. shows up for the workgroup meeting with a mighty mighty bosstones hoodie, a bike chain bracelet, multiple piercings, and rolled up cutoff shorts. this man reinvents my idea of academia. he's also super approachable and has some light irish accent. i want him to be my friend.
the workday was a workday. no real surprises. i read a paper that the workgroup wrote and are searching for a journal to publish in. i had an intellectual orgasm. seriously, i'm stoked for this work to get going, because everyone i work with i like. ok, maybe not gina. she's kinda really socially awkward. i thought there'd be more to talk about, but she can't really hold one end of a conversation.
i walked a chunk of harlem today on my way home.
i got off the subway at 81st and walked on central park west for a couple stops. the museum of natural history was opening a new exhibit on horses, so took some pictures of the life sized painted sculptures i saw. they were cool. i want that artist to draw me a tattoo.
then i got the wrong train, so i had to walk through town to get back to gina's. on that walk, i watched a rotweiller hump a bulldog. i thought it was a nice metaphor for the city- even if you're tough, you can still be on the receiving end of it.
i went up on gina and ryan's roof and took some pictures of the skyline from brooklyn. i'm starting to see the sparkle.