unrelated to New York, but found this and needed to share. For those of you that think this is crazy, this is what life is like where i grew up. Craigslist love.
Originally Posted: Thu, 8 May 10:33 AKDT
Date: 2008-05-08, 10:33AM AKDT
I have a dead moose free for the taking.
It died yesterday, apparently of natural causes. I called Fish & Game to come and get it. Apparently, moose are a natural resource and belong to everybody, until they die, then they belong to whoevers property they die on. So, according to Fish & Game, the moose now belongs to me. Sweet!!
So, if you want a free moose, please come and get it before the bears do.
You could use it for dog food, or stuff it and put it your front yard, bear bait, whatever. If you live in the lower 48, this might be your best opportunity to get a free Alaska moose. I dont really care, I just want it out of my yard.
Please reply via email, I dont need all the animal rights folks calling me, its dead, and according to Fish & Game, its got no more rights...
PostingID: 673017049
Originally Posted: Thu, 8 May 10:33 AKDT
Dead Moose
Date: 2008-05-08, 10:33AM AKDT
I have a dead moose free for the taking.
It died yesterday, apparently of natural causes. I called Fish & Game to come and get it. Apparently, moose are a natural resource and belong to everybody, until they die, then they belong to whoevers property they die on. So, according to Fish & Game, the moose now belongs to me. Sweet!!
So, if you want a free moose, please come and get it before the bears do.
You could use it for dog food, or stuff it and put it your front yard, bear bait, whatever. If you live in the lower 48, this might be your best opportunity to get a free Alaska moose. I dont really care, I just want it out of my yard.
Please reply via email, I dont need all the animal rights folks calling me, its dead, and according to Fish & Game, its got no more rights...
- Location: Anchorage
- it's NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interests
PostingID: 673017049
Philadelphia, why are you so good to me?
Today I checked off two items on my list to get. i'm most of the way to a bike- found a frame on craigslist and bought it. Also, Tom and Kyle cleared me on a set of frames for my new glasses. We went to visit the rainman of glasses in Philly. His first of many choices for Tom were the ones he liked best, the same was true for me. Kyle has decided his next purchase will be a new pair.
I haven't spent much time with the kid, but he took me down to meet Tim with the bike frame. We subwayed down there together and had a good conversation- he's good people and as far as I can tell, Tom will keep him around for a while.
I took so many pictures of intersections and mixed use and third places that my camera battery died. They'll get on here soon enough.
Food with Tom and Kyle was crepes and then a stop at a raw bar for oysters and clams. Oh, that was after we spent 30 minutes at the italian open air market, trying every cheese I could fathom and trying to decide between us if we wanted to eat python, rabbit, or regular alligator tomorrow night. Seriously, this place is the bomb. Maybe a summer 2009 spot for Emma and Carrick? I already checked out the planned parenthood- it's huge and legit.
These are my new toys.

Today I checked off two items on my list to get. i'm most of the way to a bike- found a frame on craigslist and bought it. Also, Tom and Kyle cleared me on a set of frames for my new glasses. We went to visit the rainman of glasses in Philly. His first of many choices for Tom were the ones he liked best, the same was true for me. Kyle has decided his next purchase will be a new pair.
I haven't spent much time with the kid, but he took me down to meet Tim with the bike frame. We subwayed down there together and had a good conversation- he's good people and as far as I can tell, Tom will keep him around for a while.
I took so many pictures of intersections and mixed use and third places that my camera battery died. They'll get on here soon enough.
Food with Tom and Kyle was crepes and then a stop at a raw bar for oysters and clams. Oh, that was after we spent 30 minutes at the italian open air market, trying every cheese I could fathom and trying to decide between us if we wanted to eat python, rabbit, or regular alligator tomorrow night. Seriously, this place is the bomb. Maybe a summer 2009 spot for Emma and Carrick? I already checked out the planned parenthood- it's huge and legit.
These are my new toys.

the answer to this week's puzzler=cupholders
Work has been slow the last few days. Kathy had a proposal due Thursday, so she hasn't been available to give me feedback or direction. I'm in that limbo stage where I'm waiting for the go ahead for data clearance so I can start doing my analysis, but everyone around me is dragging their feet and has other irons in the fire. As a result, I'm obsessively checking craigslist for bikes and other free gear. I've have the opportunity to read more about NE bike culture, and I'm so overdue to getting out and riding. I'm not sure which will give first, my standards in bikes or my wallet.
I split town yesterday for Philadelphia to visit Tom and Kyle. I took the Chinatown bus, the lowball offer, and while it was a valuable experience (mostly in how to ride public transportation in a super dicey area and not having a clue what was going on), I may opt for the rail lines next time. I was the last one on the bus, and ended up in (of course) the worst seat on the bus. For the nonbusriders, this is on the bench seat closest to the bathroom. You know, the one that the woman is sleeping on, so one has to poke at her for a good half mile before she wakes up. She was nice enough about it, at least. Beyond the suboptimal placement, the ride was fine. Came away with some nice photos of Chinatown. Look for those soon.
Tom and Kyle live in a terrific part of Philly. Again, pictures to come. Tom met me at the station and we took a nice walk around the old town area of the city. Liberty bell, Independence Hall... dot dot dot. Whatever. This city is on my short list of ones I think I'd be happy in. The historic district has some really interesting examples in rezoned residential. Again, pictures to come. The city has a huge bike culture, it's young and creative. It's on its way up, and reminds me of Portland before indie rock found it. I'm excited about Emma coming to see it. I want to know what she thinks. Somewhere between Detroit, Milwaukee and Portland. OK, I need to not romanticize the place too much. AND The Next American City is based here. The boys live in a amazing space, too. The facebook pictures don't really give it justice. All of the things I like- track lighting, exposed brick, granite countertops, hardwood floors.
For most of you reading this, you can stop now. The whining will begin. now.
Visits to Tom and Kyle always make me think about my own quality of life. I know I'm one to lowball most things in my life, for the sake of cost. I'm a disposable goods person who treats things like they're not disposable. Many things, low quality. I recognize this about myself and want to change it. I've admired this about people in my life for a long time. I want to learn to spend on quality goods, but fewer of them. Simpler, maybe. It's true, I don't need much. Sometimes I catch glimpses of me being the person I want to be, but largely, I'm stuck in habits. Part of being in NY is sudden, rapid lifestyle changes- but this is counterintuitive here because I'm living short term and don't want to be bothered with duplication. I don't want to buy something I already have at home. Ugh. growing up is dumb. I'd feel better about all this if I were in a more stable financial situation. Grad school/upward trajectory is rough. Personal growth, here we come.
I split town yesterday for Philadelphia to visit Tom and Kyle. I took the Chinatown bus, the lowball offer, and while it was a valuable experience (mostly in how to ride public transportation in a super dicey area and not having a clue what was going on), I may opt for the rail lines next time. I was the last one on the bus, and ended up in (of course) the worst seat on the bus. For the nonbusriders, this is on the bench seat closest to the bathroom. You know, the one that the woman is sleeping on, so one has to poke at her for a good half mile before she wakes up. She was nice enough about it, at least. Beyond the suboptimal placement, the ride was fine. Came away with some nice photos of Chinatown. Look for those soon.
Tom and Kyle live in a terrific part of Philly. Again, pictures to come. Tom met me at the station and we took a nice walk around the old town area of the city. Liberty bell, Independence Hall... dot dot dot. Whatever. This city is on my short list of ones I think I'd be happy in. The historic district has some really interesting examples in rezoned residential. Again, pictures to come. The city has a huge bike culture, it's young and creative. It's on its way up, and reminds me of Portland before indie rock found it. I'm excited about Emma coming to see it. I want to know what she thinks. Somewhere between Detroit, Milwaukee and Portland. OK, I need to not romanticize the place too much. AND The Next American City is based here. The boys live in a amazing space, too. The facebook pictures don't really give it justice. All of the things I like- track lighting, exposed brick, granite countertops, hardwood floors.
For most of you reading this, you can stop now. The whining will begin. now.
Visits to Tom and Kyle always make me think about my own quality of life. I know I'm one to lowball most things in my life, for the sake of cost. I'm a disposable goods person who treats things like they're not disposable. Many things, low quality. I recognize this about myself and want to change it. I've admired this about people in my life for a long time. I want to learn to spend on quality goods, but fewer of them. Simpler, maybe. It's true, I don't need much. Sometimes I catch glimpses of me being the person I want to be, but largely, I'm stuck in habits. Part of being in NY is sudden, rapid lifestyle changes- but this is counterintuitive here because I'm living short term and don't want to be bothered with duplication. I don't want to buy something I already have at home. Ugh. growing up is dumb. I'd feel better about all this if I were in a more stable financial situation. Grad school/upward trajectory is rough. Personal growth, here we come.
catch you up!
ok, so Columbia has something like 14 graduation ceremonies, and tomorrow is the biggun'. Virginia is supposedly in town to see brother graduate, but I haven't heard from her yet.
This picture shows not even Columbia phds are too cool to ride the subway
this is the landscape in which they graduate. pretty stunning. for today's graduation proceedings though, it was crazy rainstormy. and yes, they did it outside.
sipa, the society for international and public affairs, celebrate their graduates and impede my way home.
these are the grads lining up at 8:45.
i made crazy good chili. i'm still eating it
this is to commemorate my 4 hour trip to trader joes. the store? fine. the line? heinous. the wait for the N train to come back on a sunday? 65 minutes. could have been worse, a woman could have been in labor next to me.
this is my favorite shot of the day.
another shot of a side street in astoria. someday, this will have some real substance.
got word today emma's giving (begrudgingly) her right ovary to the university of michigan. so, i'm flying home next wednesday for a few days and coach her through it. it'll be nice to be back in easy living for a few days, even if it is under less than great circumstances.
also, nina b-mq added me as a friend on facebook. we're going to be grand friends, you'll see. and, i'm still deskless at work.
oh, and my bike estimate? came in at $550. sweet. jimmy came through for me, it only took him.... 3 1/2 weeks.
this (saturday) morning i walked to the salvation army on steinway and spent $8 on a pair of blankets- perfect, though i'm not a fan of dusty rose. wandered into a tienda and bought a few more pairs of black socks. i used to (years ago) not care about wearing sports heel socks with non sports shoes, but i feel like a goober in mybirkenstocks with anklets. so, mission accomplished.
then i proceeded to the local gym around the corner to sign up for the summer and was told my best option was a year membership and then to pay thecancellation fee when i left. at the end of the summer, i will have spent about a hundred a month. yes, that's 4 times what the Y charges and i could get a membership up at Columbia, but theni'll have to go up to 116th. i mean, i'm paying for convenience, and all the classes are drop in/free. it's big, it's clean. i should just suck it up and deal.
that stressor was paired with a great bike i found on craigslist, but is really more than i should pay. i'd likely strip this bike at the end of the summer and sell off what i didn't need, and could recoup a good part of the cost. i don't expect to be riding to work, but the experience of seeing a city by bike really can't be replicated by foot. so, stillbikeless.
today i saw probably the most honestly fucked up thing i will while i'm here. i can only hope. i'm leaving the gym and walking down 30th ave, which is a comfortably commercial street. there's a firetruck blocking on of the sidestreets and 3 firefighters looking around for something/one. turns out there's this two and a half year old kid in a stroller parked at a storefront with thecorrugated garage door down. kid's crying like crazy and no one's around to acknowledge him as theirs. so, as far as i can tell, the story is that the fdny gets called because this kid is abandoned. in the early evening on a busy commercial street. i hope i'm wrong.
red wings lost, pointedly because of a bad line change by chelios. they outplayed dallas, especially in the later part of the game, but without franzen, they couldn't get anything going. so, monday. at least i get another night of hockey out of the deal.
i made a really terrible meal for myself, even though it should have been tasty. turkey burger with goat cheese and avocado and broccoli turned into a patty of meat i didn't want to get through. i need to reevaluate my food situation and make some things happen. my food intake has been so sporadic, i need to come up with some way to eat happily. right nowi'm not.
i'm settling into a current spot of loneliness. i'm missing people that know me (even though i appreciate the emails and contact) and days with nothing to do. next weekend, i'm going up to philly to visit tom for the memorial day weekend and we'll run around and be merry. looking forward to it.
i might go into the city today and try to go to trader joes, even though it will be insane.
then i proceeded to the local gym around the corner to sign up for the summer and was told my best option was a year membership and then to pay thecancellation fee when i left. at the end of the summer, i will have spent about a hundred a month. yes, that's 4 times what the Y charges and i could get a membership up at Columbia, but theni'll have to go up to 116th. i mean, i'm paying for convenience, and all the classes are drop in/free. it's big, it's clean. i should just suck it up and deal.
that stressor was paired with a great bike i found on craigslist, but is really more than i should pay. i'd likely strip this bike at the end of the summer and sell off what i didn't need, and could recoup a good part of the cost. i don't expect to be riding to work, but the experience of seeing a city by bike really can't be replicated by foot. so, stillbikeless.
today i saw probably the most honestly fucked up thing i will while i'm here. i can only hope. i'm leaving the gym and walking down 30th ave, which is a comfortably commercial street. there's a firetruck blocking on of the sidestreets and 3 firefighters looking around for something/one. turns out there's this two and a half year old kid in a stroller parked at a storefront with thecorrugated garage door down. kid's crying like crazy and no one's around to acknowledge him as theirs. so, as far as i can tell, the story is that the fdny gets called because this kid is abandoned. in the early evening on a busy commercial street. i hope i'm wrong.
red wings lost, pointedly because of a bad line change by chelios. they outplayed dallas, especially in the later part of the game, but without franzen, they couldn't get anything going. so, monday. at least i get another night of hockey out of the deal.
i made a really terrible meal for myself, even though it should have been tasty. turkey burger with goat cheese and avocado and broccoli turned into a patty of meat i didn't want to get through. i need to reevaluate my food situation and make some things happen. my food intake has been so sporadic, i need to come up with some way to eat happily. right nowi'm not.
i'm settling into a current spot of loneliness. i'm missing people that know me (even though i appreciate the emails and contact) and days with nothing to do. next weekend, i'm going up to philly to visit tom for the memorial day weekend and we'll run around and be merry. looking forward to it.
i might go into the city today and try to go to trader joes, even though it will be insane.
last night in the drizzle I moved in to 3084 36th st. Everyone was gone, but Lucas had left keys hidden for me. It was so disorienting to have so little and move into a new space. I rearranged the room some and tried to make it my own. My stuff is now set up and it's both calming and nervewracking to have so little. I can't remember the last time I had bare shelves.
Also, salvy's is only a couple blocks away for me, of which i need blankets desperately, but a couple other things too. Joseph, who is my size, but a little more built up top (man rack?), let me go through a bunch of his clothes he was leaving behind. so i got hooked up with some NY fashions. I inherited a couple pairs of designer jeans, tons of ashirts/v necks (which I'm sold on) and even a huge lot of basic american apparel tshirts. oh, and an ipod dock/stereo. And a completely functional watch i might have bought on my own. Thanks, Joseph. I hope the Austin real estate market treats you well.
I'm now moved in and settled, but i need things like toothpaste and milk. will get groceries on my walk around the new hood. NBC and I have a date to watch the red wings advance. i'm almost glad they didn't win wednesday so i could actually watch the game and they could win at home.
i should get some nice bread for my makeshift cheese platter that the director of ISERP and I 'stole' after a going away party yesterday afternoon. He emptied the cracker box and filled it up, I just replated.
happy saturday. this one is much nicer on my end.
i made a video for this spot, but it's not uploading now.... i'll work on it later.

Also, salvy's is only a couple blocks away for me, of which i need blankets desperately, but a couple other things too. Joseph, who is my size, but a little more built up top (man rack?), let me go through a bunch of his clothes he was leaving behind. so i got hooked up with some NY fashions. I inherited a couple pairs of designer jeans, tons of ashirts/v necks (which I'm sold on) and even a huge lot of basic american apparel tshirts. oh, and an ipod dock/stereo. And a completely functional watch i might have bought on my own. Thanks, Joseph. I hope the Austin real estate market treats you well.
I'm now moved in and settled, but i need things like toothpaste and milk. will get groceries on my walk around the new hood. NBC and I have a date to watch the red wings advance. i'm almost glad they didn't win wednesday so i could actually watch the game and they could win at home.
i should get some nice bread for my makeshift cheese platter that the director of ISERP and I 'stole' after a going away party yesterday afternoon. He emptied the cracker box and filled it up, I just replated.
happy saturday. this one is much nicer on my end.
i made a video for this spot, but it's not uploading now.... i'll work on it later.
the sacrifical baby/lamb we saw walking home. baby/lamb was perched on a plaque in the green point park, coming back from....
bike love.
i went here for dinner. it was really great, and i'm sorry i only took a picture of a pole. it was in brooklyn
the manikins here are ripped.
broadway, at about 50th. the worst was yet to come. i caught a subway instead.
this was at columbus circle, in the huge huge huge mall
some columbia shots- i couldn't get a good shot of it, but there is inlaid lettering into the steps, saying something about the gate was the senior gift of 189somthing. our senior gift was about including people, not excluding. on the right, a library.
this church is uptown of columbia, so probably 119th or 120th. the stained glass on the right is on street level at 116th.
up amsterdam. my building is just to the right of this view
the digs
i want a bike to ride on SO BAD.
the entry door in is on the left, by the coats. the door straight back is lucas's room. note fully functional pool table.
where the hallway intersects the kitchen.
my room. again, it's bigger than it looks. faces out the back. i inherit the bed and the bureau, the desk, which is very nice, gets sold because it's new and shiny and it will fetch good money.
day 2
i've survived days 1 and 2. Not impressive yet.
I wanted to create this so i can communicate with myself and others in an organized way. i'll probably post pictures and lists and ramblings that are really for me, but i'll let you read them. i'd love emails instead of leaving comments, because i want to hear from you.
dear lars-
i didn't want to be late today, so i got up 15 minutes earlier than yesterday. I put pasta on to boil, and G's stove took forever to light, and when it did, it didn't put out enough heat to really boil. So my rotini was al dente dente. At least I scraped together my own lunch.
Took a different route than yesterday, mostly inspired by me getting on the G in the wrong direction. Instead of going into times square and riding north, i went west, transferred once, and rode all the way up to 116th, where i actually found my building quickly. i had to walk through morningside park on the way in, and it was a really cool retaining wall with a nice lookout. i was super sweaty when i showed up at work.
james was wearing jeans again, and i was super relieved. I really like his coat-it's a yellow herringbone like emma's dan-o case and it's got cool sleeve styling with a buckle mandarin collar. but the best part was andrew, my boss. shows up for the workgroup meeting with a mighty mighty bosstones hoodie, a bike chain bracelet, multiple piercings, and rolled up cutoff shorts. this man reinvents my idea of academia. he's also super approachable and has some light irish accent. i want him to be my friend.
the workday was a workday. no real surprises. i read a paper that the workgroup wrote and are searching for a journal to publish in. i had an intellectual orgasm. seriously, i'm stoked for this work to get going, because everyone i work with i like. ok, maybe not gina. she's kinda really socially awkward. i thought there'd be more to talk about, but she can't really hold one end of a conversation.
i walked a chunk of harlem today on my way home.
i got off the subway at 81st and walked on central park west for a couple stops. the museum of natural history was opening a new exhibit on horses, so took some pictures of the life sized painted sculptures i saw. they were cool. i want that artist to draw me a tattoo.
then i got the wrong train, so i had to walk through town to get back to gina's. on that walk, i watched a rotweiller hump a bulldog. i thought it was a nice metaphor for the city- even if you're tough, you can still be on the receiving end of it.
i went up on gina and ryan's roof and took some pictures of the skyline from brooklyn. i'm starting to see the sparkle.
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